The original web designer disappeared and the municipality no longer had access to its own website or domain name.
Design a new website from scratch. This also involved obtaining a new domain name and new hosting site.
Step 1. Meet with township representatives to discuss the project. The initial meetings were with the the township committee (TC) and the economic development committee (EDC); subsequent meetings and communications were with the township administrator and a single representative of the EDC.
Step 2. Define the goals of the website. The township government was focused on the residents: to easily and efficiently provide information for its residents. The economic development committee was interested in the PR aspect of the website: a friendly design to welcome visitors to the township (visitors being tourists and shoppers to patronize local businesses.) Established who was responsible for what content. Site map was designed.
Step 3. Design the website. The front page was designed for residents to easily find high priority information and to feature information for first-time non-resident visitors. Decisions were made on what would be included in the header, main menu, quick links section, footer, and the main text area. At this time colors, typeface, and layout were finalized. The EDC requested a slideshow that featured images of the township on the front page. To stay within its budget, the EDC would provide the images for the slideshow rather than commission the photography. If future funds allowed, a video will replace the slideshow.
Step 4. Secondary pages. The design of the municipal pages was first and relatively straightforward: municipal roster, contact information, calendar, minutes, ordinances, resolutions, forms, notices. The business and visitor pages took longer as research was needed for the content. These two pages contain a welcome message and tables organized by category.
Custom coding for responsive website design, image optimization, calendar, forms, custom search.
Marketing to focus on bringing visitors to Frankford, to patronize local businesses, encourage new businesses to locate in the township, and to showcase residing within the township.
E-Newsletters, downloadable digital Visitors Guide, Business Showcase feature on website, PR video, email lists, events promotion.
For more information on this project, please feel free to reach out at